Quote-o-rama: X-Files

The X-Files

"The proper authorities showed up with a couple of men in black. One of 
 them was disguised as a woman, but wasn't pulling it off. Like, her hair 
 was red, but it was a little *too* red, you know. And the other one, the 
 tall lanky one, his face was so blank and expressionless. He didn't seem 
 human. I think he was a mandroid."
					"Jose Chung's _From Outer Space_"

"I'm in the game because I believe what I'm doing is right."
                                        -Cancer Man

"Life is like a box of chocolates: a cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift
 that no one ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is 
 another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whiff-
 mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down until there's nothing else to
 eat. Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup, english toffee,
 but they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with
 nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering
 nuts. If you're desperate enough to eat those all you've got left is an
 empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers."
                                        -The Cancer Man

"To live this lie, you have to believe it, like those men that deceive

"You think being a Man In Black is all voodoo mind control? You should
 _see_ the paperwork!"
                                        -Morris Fletcher

Mulder: "I didn't know reunions could be so..."
Scully: "Wet?"

"Maybe they are miracles, but I don't dare call them that."

"Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my
 cool exterior?"

"Based on your physical bearing, I had assumed you were more...
                                        -Holmon Heart

"Mulder, you weren't at Woodstock."

"That cow had my name on it!"
"Truth is as subjective as reality."
                                        -Jose Chung

"Y'ever flown a flying saucer? Afterwards, sex seems trite."
                                        "Jose Chung's _From Outer Space_"

"Agent Scully and I specialize in these kind of cases..."

"I'm immune to your mockery."
                                        -Father Gregory

"Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?"

"Hey Grandma Top Gun, will you shut the hell up?!"

"Your aliens, Agent Mulder, your little green men, first landed here 
 millions of years ago. Those that didn't leave have been lying dormant 
 underground since the last ice age. In the form of an evolved pathogen. 
 Waiting to be reconstituted when the alien race from which it came 
 returns to colonize the planet. Using us as hosts. Against this we have 
 no defense. Nothing but a weak vaccine. Do you see why it was kept 
 secret? Why even the best men like your father could not let the truth be 
                                        _X-Files: The Movie_

"One day, you look at the person and see more than you did the day before,
 like a switch was flickered somewhere. And the person who was just a
 friend is suddenly the only person you can imagine yourself with."

Scully: But, Mulder, the new millennium doesn't begin until January 2001.
Mulder: Nobody likes a math geek, Scully. 

"A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask."

"The truth? The truth... there is no truth. These men just make it up as
 they go along."

[Journal Entry:]
For the first time, I feel time like a heartbeat, the seconds pumping in
my breast like a reckoning; the numinous mysteries that once seemed to
distant and unreal threatening clarity in the presence of a truth
entertained not in youth, but only in its passage. I feel these words as
if their meaning were weight being lifted from me, knowing that you will
read them and share my burden as I have come to trust no other. That you
should know my heart, look into it, finding there the memory and
experience that belong to you, that are you is a comfort to me now as I
feel the tethers loose and the prospects darken for the continance of a
journey that began not long ago, and which began again with a faith shaken
and strengthened by your convictions. If not for which I might never have
been so strong now as I cross to face you and look at you incomplete,
hoping that you will forgive me for not making the rest of the journey
with you.

Page by: Paul M. M. Jacobus (paul@otd.com)
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