"How Not To Win Friends" Obsidian Serpent army list 984 points Obsidian Guard = 74 Obsidian Guard = 74 Obsidian Guard = 74 Skyrider = 116 Dragon Clan Slaves (4) = 96 Dragon Clan Slaves (4) = 96 Dragon Clan Slaves (4) = 96 Archers (5 plus leader) = 195 Archers (4 plus leader) = 163 --- Basic scheme: This army is built to capitalize on the undercosted Obsidian Guard and the reasonably priced but risky Dragon Clan Slaves. This isn't an army I would use against my friends, because I want them to keep liking me. One Obsidian Guard follows behind one Dwarven Clan Slave warband. Move towards the enemy, kill the enemy. Archers take up positions and snipe at problem children. Make sure they can cover each other. Skyrider goes where needed. Or, for the interntionally cruel seal-clubber, run all three Guards around as a warband, and just cuisinarte the other army. But this really won't go over well versus a Dwarf player, so you take your chances. ---