Sons of Kronos army list Tribe of the Goddess 989 points Monarch = 67 Hunter = 42 Wyrd (Spear of Llyr, Call of the Dragon) = 94 Viridian Lords (4 plus leader) = 258 Berserkers (4 plus leader) = 212 Unliving (4) = 132 Hounds (4) = 92 Hounds (4) = 92 --- Basic scheme: Haven't tried this one yet, I won't lie. Wyrd, sits in the back and Calls the Dragon until things can get close. Once that time has passed (Archers more or less neutralized,) he can move closer and start slinging the Spear. Hounds move together, go after archers with all due speed and cover. Unliving cover the Lords and eventually move to tie someone up in combat. Lords move like tank. Monarch give support to Berserkers or Houds. ---