I'll start out what is going to be a long post with this caveat. This is not an attempt to make Wolfbanes viable on their own. It's some ideas kicked around by me and my roommate on them, to give a little bit of direction.by Erich Brackmann [puppy@eskimo.com] posted to the Warzone forum on 3-17-2000
The background ideas are a mixture of many sources. 1st edition, 2nd edition, and old Conan movies. It's not intended to be faithful to anything in particular. So just deal with it. It does, however, drive some of the design.
Design Notes:
The 'new' Wolfbanes below are designed to be close quarters specialists. They are deliberately not given flame throwers of any sort, nor were they given any weapons that would enable them to engage at ranges of over 18". This is on purpose.The points values were not arrived at by any method other than WAGs. Some minor changes to stats have been done, so read carefully.
The Wolfbanes below have a few advantages, the most obvious being the number of specialists they can field. This is on purpose. It is to show the Wolfbanes are a 'mob' style army, and lack regimentation.
Form Fire Group is altered to allow any specialist with the ability to join in a unit. This means that PLR and HMGs can be one unit. It does not, however, allow Wolfbairn and Commando specialists to mix.
- - -
- - - "Cult of personality" Wolfbane packs and tribal formations are driven by the most effective, and charismatic of the members. Units will form around them, and alliances between packs will create larger forces. As such, there are often 'heros' that accompany more traditional forces. Purchase of Wolfbane units allows two individuals to be purchased per Wolfbane squad. However, only one of these individuals may be a Wolfbane vehicle.
Wolfbairn, Wolfbane Commandos are considered basic units, and are available in unlimited quantities.
Wolfbane Warhounds, Pathfinders, and Mourning Wolves are of elite status, and available as a ratio of 1:1 for basic and elite.
--- BASIC UNITS -----------------------------
Structure: SquadWOLFBAIRN CC RC PW LD AC W ST MV A S 7 6 8 11 1 1 7 3 7 2 - Troopers and Specialists 8 7 9 14 3 1 8 3 7 2 - Chieftan
1 Chieftan 23 pts
4 to 8 Wolfbairn Troopers 18 pts
0 to 1 Wolfbairn HMG Specialist 25 pts
0 to 1 Wolfbairn PLR Specialist 25 pts
You may have one Specialist per 4 Wolfbairn Troopers.
Chieftan: Two handed sword, pistol
Troopers: Sword, Pistol
HMG Spec: Sword, HMG
PLR Spec: Sword, PLR
Special Abilities:
Chieftan: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack.
Troopers: Camoflage
HMG Spec: Camoflage, Form Fire Support Group.
PLR Spec: Camoflage, Form Fire Support Group.
New recruits into the Wolfbane culture and tactics. Not as effective as seasoned warriors, they often fill a supporting role as reserves or Fire Group teams.Structure: SquadWOLFBANE COMMANDOS CC RC PW LD AC W ST MV A S 7 7 8 12 3 1 8 3 7 2 - Troopers and Specialists 8 8 9 14 3 1 8 3 7 2 - Chieftan
1 Chieftan 23pts
4 to 8 Commando Troopers 21 pts
0 to 2 Commando Shotgun Specialists 23pts
0 to 1 Commando HMG Specialist 31pts
0 to 1 Commando Grenadier 23pts
You may have 1 Wolfbane Commando Specialist for every 2 Wolfbane Commando Troopers.
Chieftan: Two handed sword, pistol
Commando Trooper: Sword, Pistol
Commando Shotgun: Sword, Shotgun
Commando HMG : Sword, HMG
Commando Grenade: Sword, GrenadesSpecial Abilities:
Chieftan: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack
Commando Trooper: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack
Commando Shotgun: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack
Commando HMG: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack, Form Fire Group
Commando Grenadier: Camoflage, Ferocious Charge, +1 CC attack
Now seasoned and experienced warriors, 'Bairn are adopted into existing packs, or form their own around a competant leader.--- ELITE UNITS -----------------------------
Structure: SquadWOLFBANE WARHOUNDS CC RC PW LD AC W ST MV A S 8 7 9 13 3 1 8 3 8 2 - Troopers and Specialists 9 8 10 15 3 1 8 3 8 2 - Chieftan
1 Chieftain 33 pts
2 to 6 Warhound Troopers 30 pts
0 to 3 Warhound Hammers 22 pts
0 to 1 Warhound PLR Specialist 35 pts
0 to 2 Warhound Shotgun Specialist 33 pts
Chieftan: Two Handed Sword, Pistol
Troopers: Sword, Pistol
Hammer : Two handed Power Hammer
PLR Spec: Sword, PLR
Shotgun Spec: Sword, Shotgun
You may have 1 Wolfbane Warhound Specialist for every 2 Wolfbane Warhound Troopers.
Special Abilities:
Chieftan: Ferocious Charge, Group Attack, Immune to Fear,Cause Fear, +1 CC Attack
Troopers: Ferocious Charge, Group Attack, Immune to Fear, Cause Fear, +1 CC Attack
Specialists: et al
The elite fighting men of Wolfbane culture. Centered around a chieften of skill and power, these units are extremely deadly on the battlefield, and in close combat. Proud of their ability, they never hide from their foes, and taunt them as they do battle.Structure: SquadWOLFBANE PATHFINDERS CC RC PW LD AC W ST MV A S 6 8 8 11 3 1 7 3 7 2 - Troopers
3 to 6 Pathfinders - 30 ptsEquipment:
Pathfinder: Pistol, Chain, and PLR or SMGSpecial Abilities:
Infiltrate, CamoflageBackground:
Those too frail of body or weak of courage are forced into the Pathfinder faction. They are deployed as scouts and reconnisance troops, and equipped for sabotage and guerrilla combat. Never well-received as 'cowardly,' it is a foolish Chieftan who neglects their inclusion.Note: Pathfinders have no designated leader, and a model must be picked at the start of the battle.
Structure: SquadMOURNING WOLVES CC RC PW LD AC W ST MV A S 7 6 8 12 3 1 8 3 7 2 - Troopers 8 6 9 14 3 1 8 3 7 2 - Chieftainess
1 Chieftainess 20 pts
4 to 9 Mourning Wolves 14 pts
0 to 3 Mourning Wolf Cleavers 14 pts
You may have one Mourning Wolf Cleaver for every 3 Mourning Wolves.Equipment:
Chieftainess: Two handed sword, sword, pistol
Mourning Wolf: Chain, Wolf Claw
Cleaver Wolf: Two handed swordSpecial Abilities:
Chieftainess: Ferocious Charge, Group Attack, Immune to Fear
Mourning Wolf: Ferocious Charge, Group Attack, Immune to FearBackground:
Spurned lovers, vengeful widows, testosterone rich, all these women enter the ranks of the Wolfbanes to cleanse their grief in blood and war. Weaker than their male breatheren, they master team tactics, to bewilder and confuse their foes before sundering them in two.--- VEHICLES --------------------------------
The Hedgehog Necromower and Fenris Bike remain unchanged. You may have one for every squad you have purchased. However, all such units will be formed into units. Each unit will consist of 1 to 3 models, of either type. You must attempt to have a unit of 3 before creating a second (or third) unit.
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