Quote-o-rama: Comic Books: Ultimate

Comic Books & Graphic Novels:

See also:

Quotes from the Marvel Ultimate line. The exception is Ultimate X-men quotes, which are still in the X-Men file for now.

"Well, what does it do? And talk to me as if I am someone who never knows 
 what you are talking about."
					-Ben Grimm,
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

"(If I wasn't on fire right now, I would have genuinely been impressed by
					-Johnny Storm,
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

[Fighting a dinosaur-monster in New York City.]
"All right, let's end this. Y'know, before something crazy happens."
					-the Thing,
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

"You guys do whatever you want... I have more misplaced anger to work 
					-the Thing,
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

Reed: But you can't deny that this is a fascinating discovery.
the Thing: Bet I can.
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

[Finding themselves surrounded by 'mole people.']
Human Torch: This is a really weird day.
the Thing: How so?
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

Johnny: Uh... did you just turn invisible?
Sue: Are you on fire?
Johnny: Kinda.
				_Ultimate Fantastic Four: The Fantastic_

Reed: Hey, I can probably hook into the building's motion detectors.
the Thing: Whatever makes you happy, dude.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Doom_

Reed: Johnny, how're you feeling?
Johnny: I need a super hero name.
Reed: So you're feeling pretty good.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Doom_

"My father taught me that there are two kinds of people in this world,
 Richards. The kings. And everybody else."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Doom_

Johnny: This is seriously cool. What's it called?
Reed: I'm not going to tell you what it's called.
Johnny: C'mon, man, what'd you call it?
Reed: I was, like, thirteen years old, Johnny.
Johnny: Give.
Reed: I called it the "fantasti-car."
the Thing: Dude, that stinks.
Johnny: Reed, you suck. You beyond suck.
the Thing: You fantasti-suck, dude.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Doom_

the Thing: It's clobberin' time.
Johnny: It's what?
the Thing: Something my coach used to say before a big game.
Johnny: Fantasti-clobbering?
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Doom_

"Translation from the nerdish, please?"
					-The Thing,
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

[Discussing Johnny's powers.]
The Thing: How does it not burn him? I mean, I figure I'm not gonna
	understand the answer, but...
Reed: Well, you see his skin?
The Thing: Sure.
Reed: Well, that's not his skin.
The Thing: Y'know... you made that real simple and I still don't get it.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"You are going to take my children into the N-Zone? Bad enough you took
 them across Europe in, God help me, a flying car to interrogate a mad
 terrorist - oh, but now that's not enough. No, now you want tot ake them
 into a parallel universe in a spaceship. Well, young man, here is where I
 draw the line."
					-Dr. Storm,
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

Sue: Dad, c'mon. Jonny's a super hero and I'm the greatest biological 
	mystery on earth. He thinks he's, like, a firegod rockstar and I 
	am my own life's work. Plus, I am Indestructible Ninja-girl.
Dr. Storm: You're what?
Sue: I turn invisible and have a bulletproof force field. I am Ninja-Girl
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"Being with you two is like going to hell and finding out it's school 24
 hours a day."
					-The Thing,
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"Send 'em a text, Reed. We R from Earth OMG LOL kthx."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"I notice stuff. I'm not smart like Sue or Dad, but I notice stuff."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

The Thing: I'm gettin' bored.
Reed: Ben. Aliens. There's no getting bored in meeting aliens.
The Thing: I been ready or ages. You take longer to get dressed than girls
	I dated.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

Reed: I'm going to try and make contact.
The Thing: You sure you want to do that?
Reed: Why wouldn't I?
The Thing: Okay, tell me if I'm following this: the N-Zone's a dying
	universe, you think. Right?
Reed: Could be.
The Thing: So this "could be" a space station full of people who've stayed
	alive in a dying universe. Now, here's my bit o' science: do you
	think the people left standing at the end of a game are the nice
	people? Or do you think they're the vicious jerks?
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"Dude. We met our first alien and his name is like E-Vill or something."
					-The Thing, 
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"I gotta tell you, dude. I am never ever getting in anything that flies
 with you again."
					-The Thing, 
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

General Ross: I agree to One. Simple. Test. And you trash a Shuttle, wreck
	Vegas and reveal yourselves to the public in a way we cannot hide
	or go back from - and for what? For what, Mr. Richards?
[Reed tosses an alien device to Ross.]
Reed: That's a hand-held death ray, General. Pretty easy to 
	reverse-engineer and produce.
General Ross: I love you, boy.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: N-Zone_

"If it's mad to think the unthinkable them I'm the maddest thinker there
 ever was"
					-Rhona, _Ultimate Fantastic Four:
					 Think Tank_

"Imagine a city with a hundred thousand people, each one blessed with a
 different super-power... the purest bloodline in all creation ruling over
 a flawless super-society without crime or disobedience. I ran away from
 Heaven, basically."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Inhuman_

Johnny: What? Why do you have to evacuate?
Maximus: Because you've tainted our very air with everything we turned our
	backs on, human. Ten thousand years since we walked away from man
	and in ten short minutes you reminded us why.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Inhuman_

"Captain America, this is Mister Fantastic. We've apprehended these
 computer hackers in the Precambrian era and we're coming back home now."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Crossover_

Dr. Storm: The Ultimates should have been dealing with them in the first
	place, Reed. Why on earth didn't you leave this to the
Reed: They're good at their thing, we're good at our thing.
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Crossover_

"Skrull is their real name. The Chitauri were just a gang of criminals who
 found Earth years ago and tried their best to dominate us."
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Frightful_

"...Does the word 'Super-Skrull' mean anything to you guys?
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Frightful_

"Hmph. Well, *this* should be a challenge."
					-Dr. Doom,
					_Ultimate Fantastic Four: Frightful_

"It's coming from Russia. The Tunguska region of Russia, in fact. Which is
 kinda like Siberia without the nice parts."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Galactus: Nightmare_

Wolverine: That's not what bugs me.
Colossus: What bugs you, Logan? I mean, everything bugs you. But what's
	bugging you right this second?
Wolverine: What bugs me is that we ain't geniuses, Whatever we can figure
	out, someone else can figure out. What bugs me is that there's no 
	way in hell we're the only ones taking a trip to the countryside.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Nightmare_

Captain America: One thing I don't get. You are a Russian supersoldier.
Black Widow: There were at least four different programs I know of to
	develop a supersoldier. And, obviously, one I didn't. Boxes 
	within boxes.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Nightmare_

"They were terrified of you, Captain. Even though you were lost by then. 
 An American supersoldier. You reinvented ground war. It was the last
 thing they expected. And there were no guarantees that America wouldn't
 rediscover how to make more of you. So they began a cold-war battle to
 fight a soldier who no longer existed. The whole time you were asleep,
 these people were at war with you."
					-Black Widow, 
					_Ultimate Galactus: Nightmare_

"First, it's Mahr Vehl. With a space."
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

"The Kree call it Gah Lak Tus. The reverse of God. It uncreates life -
 kills on the megascale. And it's coming this way."
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

Thor: Well, I have to say - the stretching boy and the one Tony's failing
	to hit on don't look like much. But you boys - you look like
	warriors. Ever wrestled a fire demon from the depths of 
The Thing: Nope. Beat the snot out of an underground sea monster thing,
Johnny Storm: Totally trashed it. And, you know, aliens.
The Thing: Yeah. Loads of aliens.
Thor: Ha! Trashing aliens is great! Listen - we'll let Nick Fury do his
	being-the-Man bit, and then we'll find beer. Yes?
Johnny: Dude. Thor wants to get us beer.
The Thing: Beer rocks.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

"For the benefit of our new arrivals... Aliens hang around Earth like
 winos outside a liquor store. We just found out about some new arrivals."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

[To Johnny Storm and the Thing.]
"You wanna know what the deal is? You and your tough-looking buddy there
 - you're super heroes now, kid. You boys and Thor - and I've got the
 Widow coming in on another flight - you are on the ground and putting
 foot to alien butt Ultimates-style. [Turning to Iron Man, Reed and Sue.]
 Hawkeye's coming in with the Widow, and he's with you people. You're
 gonna be Space Pirates, amigos."
					-Nick Fury, 
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

Thor: Boys?
Johnny Storm: Yes, Thor?
Thor: We go into battle. Do you know what that means? Beer. [To Danvers.]
	You. Military-industrial-complex drone girl. Bring us beer.
Danvers: Sure, how far up your backside would you like it rammed?
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

"I hate working with the super heroes. I like it better when it was just
 us. No showboating, no 'You think this A stands for France,' no overgrown
 kids getting into their battle armor drunk... I dunno. The bigger and
 weirder this gig gets, the less professional it becomes. Did Fury really
 say he's drafted those four kids from New York? It's all turned to
 garbage. We're all going to die."
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

Hawkeye: Okay. Marvel. Are you armed?
Mahr Vehl: Yes.
Hawkeye: Good. You, Tony and I take the lead. You kids stay behind us at
	all times. Clear?
Sue: Um, we're powered-up, too...
Hawkeye: But you're not trained. Let me make this crystal clear for you,
	brainy. I kill. Tony kills. The alien probably kills. You don't.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Secret_

"The entity is called Gah Lak Tus. It kills planets. And it's coming to
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

"I wonder if it's too late to try and join the Ultimates..."
					-Misty Knight,
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

Captain America: you're under arrest on the authority of SHIELD.
Misty Knight: Kiss my black butt, Captain Whitey!
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

"The 'silver man' is teaching mass suicide in response to the entity's
 arrival. He is teaching that an angry god is returning to Earth, and that
 only suicide will placate him... and see their souls drawn up into his
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

Iron Man: Does someone want to give me a plan of attack..?
Nick Fury: All the people coming out of the water? Kill them.
Iron Man: Those military academies must be intellectual hothouses.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

"Accessing the human psychic wavelength. This is how you sent your warning - 
 through dreams and psychic experiences to the human race. And now it is 
 our weapon.
					-Professor X,
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

Jean: Give us your thoughts. Think of making things. Think of who you 
	love. Your ideas, your fantasies, your ambitions.
Xavier: Each of those thoughts is a bullet. And we have the 
	gun... Contact. Remember me, Gah Lak Tus? I've brought six billion
	of my friends to meet you.
					_Ultimate Galactus: Extinction_

[swinging through the rain.]
"Ugh. Water is collecting on me in places that I didn't know I had.
 Actually, that's not true. I once fought a man made out of sand and I had
 sand in the very same places that I now have water."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man_

Kong: Hey - ya ever think, like - what if it's like in Ghostbusters when
	all the ghosts and stuff start flying around?
Mary Jane: What?
Kong: All these super heroes and mutants and stuff... what if it was like
	in Ghostbusters when it was like - a sign. Like some bad news was 
	coming... What if that's why all these super people keep popping 
Mary  Jane: Are you actually using Ghostbusters to prove a point?
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

"...But what about the Kennedy/Nixon debate? The first televised 
 presidential debate? People in the room where the debate was taped -
 people who were there - say that Nixon clearly won the debate. But 
 everyone watching on TV, at home, thought that Kennedy had won. Why? 
 Because Kennedy looked better on TV. Many people believe that this single 
 moment changed politics forever. I think it changed the entire world
					-Mrs. Harris, 
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

Peter: Man, I don't know what I would have done without you.
Mary Jane: You don't have super sewing powers?
Peter: I don't even have the power not to lose my costume in the middle of
	a fight.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

Mary Jane: You know - I was this close to being Spider-man.
Peter: How many times do I have to hear this?
Mary Jane: That's the price you pay for all of this.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

[Interrupting Doctor Octopus's rampage.]
"I can't watch any more of this. Have you no heart? Have you no feelings? 
 Haven't people in limos been persecuted enough?"
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

[after a long day.]
Clay Quartermain: I'm going home.
Sharon Carter: I'm going to go cry.
Quartermain: I'm going home and drink myself unconscious.
Carter: I'm going to go home, cry, then drink, and then eat ice cream 'til
	I knock myself unconscious.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

[fighting Doctor Octopus.]
"Hey, so what's your secret origin anyway? Some sort of freak accident
 with a radioactive toilet snake? If so, please spare me the details!"
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

"See that? A guy can't jump around in his underwear and make a spectacle
 of himself without the ladies acting like he's some kind of guys running
 around in his underwear making a spectacle of himself."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

Peter: No one does this crap to Captain America - or Iron man - just me!!
	Every time!!
Mary Jane: Maybe it's the costume.
Peter: What?
Mary Jane: You asked me for reasons.
Peter: You don't like the costume?
Mary Jane: Never mind...
Peter: Have you seen Daredevil's costume? He looks like a complete tool
	and nobody blames nuclear sabotage on him.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

Cop: Captain, your mom is on line 7.
Catpain Stacy: Mom?
Gwen: Grams?
[on phone] Ben Urich: Hi, Captain, this is Ben Urich from the Daily Bugle.
	Did I catch you at a bad time?
Captain Stacy: I hate you, I really do.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

Doc Ock: What are you? Law enforcement? SHIELD?
Spider-man: No, I'm the haircut police. Theres a fifty dollar fine for
	bowlcuts in this city.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Double Trouble_

Traci Hale: Well, it's just that no one knows anything about you -
Spider-man: Well... I'm from a planet many galaxies far, far, far away 
	from here where people and spiders mate and live in harmony.
Hale: What?
Spider-man: I'm just joking. I'm just like, this guy - [points at Doc Ock] 
	- and I fell backwards into some powers - And I'm trying to do 
	what I can so that people like that don't try to hurt people like 
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Double Trouble_

"And, get this, the act of turning yourself into a goblin monster isn't
 illegal unless doing so infringes upon the rights of another. (But we're
 working on that.)"
					-Nick Fury, 
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

"Do you guys know I fight guys with morphing metal arms and actual
 electrical power? I'm A-list, baby."
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

"Peter, optimism is a revolutionary act."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

"And may that be a lesson to all of you youngsters looking to get into the
 not so lucrative field of having a guy like me conk you one on the
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

"You're an illegal, unnatural genetic mutation. You turn eighteen - you
 belong to me. That's the way it is."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

"Telling them will only complicate matters... At this point, telling them
 anything more than they already know will only put their lives in even
 graver danger. Knowledge kills."
					-Nick Fury, 
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Legacy_

Janet Van Dyne: Healing nicely. Do you have an increased cellular
	chemokine interleuken-8 or IL-8?
Peter: Uh - I got bit by a spider.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Public Scrutiny_

Peter: ...How did you calibrate my molecular levels if I never gave you a
	blood sample?
Janet Van Dyne: Look at you, you *are* smart - that's cute.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Public Scrutiny_

Peter: Fury didn't happen to mention if he knows who that guy is that is
	running around impersonating me and robbing banks?
Janet Van Dyne: No, he didn't say And no offense, kiddo, but that kind of
	thing is small potatoes for us. But, I tell you, if someone was 
	running around in *my* costume doing that... I would find him and 
	beat the holy snot out of him.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Public Scrutiny_

"At first it - it was cool. My boyfriend is a super hero... But, Peter -
 you're going to die doing this. You're going to die in that stupid
 costume! And I know that there is nothing I can say to stop you from
 doing it. But I never in a million years imagined that I would be tossed
 off a bridge by a maniac or - or - or wiping your gunshot blood off my
 clothes so my mom doesn't see it. Someone is going to kill you. I... I
 can't do this."
					-Mary Jane, 
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Public Scrutiny_

"But you gotta give this morin one thing: when's the last time you've seen
 an old fashioned, honest-to-goodness, crime spree like this?"
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Public Scrutiny_

Peter: What is it?
Eddie: Right now it's a big pile of protoplasmic goo.
Peter: What was it supposed to be?
Eddie: The cure for cancer.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Venom_

"...The fact of the matter is, that I have had run-ins with situations
 like this. Men, men stronger and smarter than both us us, who find
 themselves with something like this. Some source of untested power - and
 I've seen them destroy themselves. Their family. Everything... This is a
 seriously twisted world we live in. All of a sudden it's like everybody
 is trying to be more than they are - everyone trying to accelerate the
 process of - I don't know what... I can't let this be. I'm saying - I
 know how bad this can go. I'm not guessing. I know. Firsthand. I know
 this will go badly if I don't destroy this."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Venom_

"Kid, you had a rough day. Everyone has them. And when you do - do what I
 do - You ask yourself: anybody's life better because of what I did today?
 If the answer's yes... then stop your whining."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Venom_

"Kid. There's not too many actual rules to this game of ours, but one of
 the big ones is: if there's no corpse... the guy's alive. Best you could
 hope for is that you scared him into never trying any stupid crap like
 that again. (But, sadly, one of the other rules is that you probably
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Venom_

"What I said was: when you get of age... you'll be part of my team. I said
 you're in line to be part of one of the finest organizations this world
 has ever seen. You'll work alongside Tony Stark. Doctor Bruce Banner.
 Captain America. You're going to be one of the greats, kid."
					-Nick Fury,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Venom_

"Mr. Parker, 'm hardly what you'd call a religious man, buy you have to
 wonder if it isn't a sign from God. There's been somewhat of a rash of
 genetic tampering by people who are trying to be more than they really
 are... What happens? What happens is we get punished. I was certainly
 punished for my sins. Consider it - Norman Osborn. And that guy with the
 octopus arms. Half the Ultimates seem vaguely out of their mind.
 Mutantkind is in the middle of an uphill race they will never win. Even
 Captain America had to sit most of the century out... We seem dead set on
 turning ourselves into little monsters, don't we?"
					-Dr. Connors, 
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Venom_

"This isn't a normal life, Peter. These aren't normal things."
					-Mary Jane,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Venom_

"Oh, and what happens every time I fight someone I know nothing about?
 Well, that would be me usually getting my something kicked all the way
 back to Passaic and back."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

"I have no costume. I'm a super hero without a costume. I don't even have
 a cool leather outfit that would pass for 'costume-ish' in this more
 cynical world I live in."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

"Yeah, it's Spider-man about to kick you in the ding-ding for being a
 doof. And if you think using the words ding-ding and doof in the same
 sentence is easy..."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

"You touch my mask, I'll drop you like a bag o' ham."
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

Spider-Man: What kind of powers do you have?
Geldoff: What kind of powers do *you* have?
Spider-Man: I have the proportional strength of a spider.
Geldoff: Uh, vhat?
Spider-Man: I have, uh... spider powers.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

[Spider-man is having issues with Jean Grey's telepathy.]
Spider-Man: I don't think I'm comfortable with you in my head.
Jean: Please, don't be. It's not that big a deal. In fact, you're the 
	first guy in six months who hasn't immediately pictured me named, 
	so I appreciate that. [pause] Until now.
Spider-Man: Sorry.
Jean: Are you done?
[longer pause]
Spider-Man: I'm done. [pause] Okay, now I'm done.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

Kitty Pryde: I don't understand - you lost your costume?
Spider-Man: I lost it in a fight.
Kitty: The whole thing?
Spider-Man: Yeah -
Kitty: Were you fighting someone naked?
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

Kitty Pryde: So, I don't understand, you were in the middle of making your
	costume, you heard that guy was attacking his school, and you ran
	out of the house to fight this guy even though your costume wasn't
Spider-man: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Kitty: It did?
Spider-man: At the time.
Kitty: You don't have a back-up costume?
Spider-man: I, uh, I ruined that, too.
					_Ultimate Spider-Man: Irresponsible_

"My boy was an astronaut. A hero... And he's gone and that's... I just
 don't see... how this Spider-man is a hero... Heroes don't - they don't -
 that's not what a hero is. Astronauts are heroes. People in creepy masks
 are not. So, I am having trouble reporting it. And I have trouble
 describing my trouble to people when thy question me on it."
					-J. Jonah Jameson,
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

"Thing is... I'm not that big on fighting. I don't like it. Punching
 someone, even someone with metal octopus arms... it's not a fun thing to
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

Wilson Fisk: You see the face of the man that one day will find out who
	you really are. And where you go to school. Because someone out
	there knows. And I will find out who they are and who you 
	are... And when I do... I will personally come over to your
	house... And I will teach you exactly what I am.
Spider-man: Are you hitting on me?
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

Wilson Fisk: Young man, did you web my feet to the floor?
Spider-man: Maybe.
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

[Fighting the Kingpin.]
"I haven't seen you this angry since the Colonel wouldn't tell you his
 recipe for the secret spices."
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

"Oh, man, you wouldn't believe what just happened. There I am in mid-air,
 almost gonna die and then I remembered I had spider powers and I saved
					_Ultimate Spider-man: Cats & Kings_

"When the mutants take control of th earth, the man who invented the corn
 dog will be spared."
					-Kitty, _Ultimate Spider-man_

[Breaking up a fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth.]
"Take it to Jersey! They like this kind of stuff there!"
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up_

Wolverine: Maybe I'm the bad guy. Ever think of that?
Spider-man: Uh-huh. Well, you smell like a wet dog, and I don't mean that 
 as a compliment.
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up_

[Watches Wolverine regenerate.]
"Oh, my God. I'm going to throw up in my mask."
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up_

"I gotta get this giant green thing away from people. What kind of world 
 am I living in that getting a green monster to do anything is now part of 
 my day? I swear I went fifteen years without even considering what I 
 would do if I met a giant green monster - and now all of a sudden it's a 
 growing concern."
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up_

[Watching the Hulk eat.]
"He's kind of fascinating. Like being at the zoo... So many questions... 
How - how did this thing get this way? What does he want? Where does he 
buy those pants?"
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up_

"Now, hold on there, you crazy aliens. Let's just sit down and talk about
 this like level-headed crazy aliens!_
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2_

"Moments in life. People try to pinpoint them. Try to isolate them so
 and say: 'That's it. That's the moment I ruined my life.' People try to
 find these moments but they can't - No. Because really it's never just 
 one moment. It's a lifetime of bad moments and bad decisions. Oh, but of
 course, not for me, my defining moment is so obvious..."
					-Dr. Curt Connors,
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2_

"Mental Note: next time, bring a flashlight. Maybe I should make a belt
 for myself, fill it full of tools or something. Nah, that'd be lame in a
 big way."
					_Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2_

"Do you wish you weren't a mutant? ...Do you wish you were just like a
 normal person?"
					-Gwen, _Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2_

"Now, Hyperion... you will learn what it is to bring forth a god without
					_Ultimate Power_

"Oh, for God's sake, shut up, Banner. You're giving science a bad name."
					-Hank, _The Ultimates_

Nick Fury: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! I thought this guy was supposed to be a
	pacifist, man.
Thor: A pacifist with a big, scary hammer, General.
					_The Ultimates_

"I mean, who in their right mind's going to climb into [the Iron Man
 armor] sober?"
                                        -Tony Stark, _The Ultimates_

"It must be strange to think the world's about to end and then a bunch of
 people in costumes just show up and save the day, huh?"
					-Dr. Bruce Banner, 
					_The Ultimates_

"How big do you feel now, dirtbag?"
                                        -Captain America, 
					after beating Hank Pym, 
					_The Ultimates_

"This isn't nineteen forty-five, Steve. This isn't how you fix things
                                        -the Wasp, _The Ultimates_

"A few years back, S.H.I.E.L.D. was just you, me and a drinks tab trying
 to bring down the Soviet Union. Now you're sending thunder gods up 
 against aliens and telling Captain freakin' America what to do. It's just
 too cool for words."
                                        -Hawkeye, _The Ultimates_

Black Widow: Are you serious? This was your plan? This was your big plan?
	You're going to take the bomb and dump it in Narnia?
Iron Man: Oh, stop being so Eastern European and relax, Natasha. We're
	talking about the Norse God of Thunder here, honey-bee.
Black Widow: No, we're not. We are talking about a former mental patient.
	Are you the only one who hasn't noticed? Thor's insane. He's out
	of his mind. The poor man's a delusional schizophrenic.
[from behind them]
Thor: Oh, ye of little faith.
					_The Ultimates_

Quicksilver: We did it! We saved the world, sister! My god, you always 
	expect these things to be big, movie-style events with every 
	country on the planet fighting back, but sometimes it's just like 
	this, eh? Sometimes it's just a bunch of maniacs punching and 
	kicking each other in an Air Force Base.
Black Widow: What are you talking about, Quicksilver? You two weren't even
	around for the fight.
Quicksilver: Actually if you slow down any satellite pictures of the
	attack, I think you'll find that Scarlet Witch and I...
					_The Ultimates_

"Well, how would you have handled the Manhattan Crisis, Tony? One of the
 team takes what's essentially a massive drug overdose and murders eight
 hundred innocent people in downtown New York. You gonna just 'fess up?"
					-Nick Fury, _The Ultimates 2_

"Word of advice, Captain America - I'm not Hank Pym. There are some people
 out there bigger than Giant Man, you know. We don't all crumble at the
 sight of some clown in a flag."
					-Thor, _The Ultimates 2_

"I think we all got used to making this terrifying military force they put
 together seem nice and friendly for a while. Y'know, playboy billionaires
 and eccentric geniuses to pave the way for all the big, crazy soldiers
 they're going to have in these costumes by the end of the year?"
					-Hank Pym, _The Ultimates 2_

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing here. I knew this would happen sooner or
 later and I'm ready for whatever they throw at me."
					-Thor, _The Ultimates 2_

"I came here to save the world and all you've done is try to crucify me."
					-Thor, _The Ultimates 2_

"I wanted to be Captain America, man. Haven't you read my file? Skinny
 Steve Rodgers enrolls in the super-soldier-program and suddenly he's
 transformed into The Living Legend of World War Two. That's what I
 wanted. I just wanted people to like me, y'know?"
					-Dr. Bruce Banner, 
					_The Ultimates 2_

"As long as he's wearing that belt we designed, Thor's the most powerful
 superhuman on the face of the Earth..."
					_The Ultimates 2_

[Falling from the sky.]
"Quicksilver to anyone. Catch."
					_The Ultimates 2_

[Discussing Captain America.]
Jan: You're very brave when he's not around.
Hank: Oh, I'm brave behind everyone's back, Jan.
					_The Ultimates 2_

Agent Bond: You had cameras in here you never told them about?
Nick Fury: Darlin', I got cameras in places you wouldn't believe.
					_The Ultimates 2_

"I should never have been brought back to life, Bucky. I thought I could
 fit in, but I can't... I don't belong in this weird America."
					-Captain America,
					_The Ultimates 2_

"Be strong, Wanda - we're the only chance they have left."
					-Quicksilver, _The Ultimates 2_

"Besides, they had a Norse god on their side. It's only fair that you
 should get one, too."
					-Loki, _The Ultimates 2_

"Because I'm the Lord of Mischief, Dynamo, and what could be more
 mischevious than World War Three?"
					_The Ultimates 2_

"We told you to stop making super people, America. We told you not to
 interfere with cultures you can never understand. This is what happens
 when your ambitions outstrip your capabilities. The empire takes a fall."
					_The Ultimates 2_

"But you got it right, progress here is lacking. And what really worries
 me is the complacency thing. It worries me not hearing more angry
					-Falcon, _Ultimates Annual 2_

Page by: Paul M. M. Jacobus (paul@otd.com)
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